

Our History

In 1796 a school of for girls was started and continued until 1825, teaching spinning and knitting. A National School was built in the village in 1844 and this forms part of our present building.

The boys who attended usually left at the age of 10 and the master reported that many of the boys in the parish were still illiterate – thank goodness times have changed!

Our pupils are proud of this heritage and full use is made of the stunning countryside in which the school is situated.


North Cerney Village

The village is believed to date back to 852 AD where it was recorded that Beorhtwulf, King of the Mercians granted the lands to a man called Alfeah and has been recorded in the Doomsday Book as Cernei.


 Parish Church

All Saints Church is located across the road from North Cerney Village. It is Grade 1 listed for its many architectural and historic interest and dates back to the 12th century.

The school has a close connection with the Church with many services and performances taking place there.