At North Cerney C of E Academy, Sex and Relationship Education (SRE) is underpinned by the ethos and values of our school and we uphold it as an entitlement for all our pupils.
We teach about sex in the context of the school's aims and values (see the values
statement in the Curriculum Policy). While sex education in our school means that we
give children information about sexual behaviour, we do this with an awareness of the
moral code, and of the values which underpin all our work. We teach sex education on
the understanding that:
- it is taught in the context of marriage and family life;
- it is part of a wider process of social, personal, spiritual and moral education;
- children should be taught to have respect for their own bodies;
- children should learn about their responsibilities to others, and be aware of the consequences of sexual activity;
- it is important to build positive relationships with others, involving trust and respect;
- children need to learn the importance of self-control.
In the policy we aim to teach the children about:
- the physical development of their bodies as they grow into adults;
- the way humans reproduce;
- respect for their own bodies and the importance of sexual activity as part of a committed, long-term, and loving relationship;
- the importance of family life;
- moral questions;
- relationship issues;
- respect for the views of other people;
- sexual abuse, and what they should do if they are worried about any sexual matters.